REDD+ is an acronym for
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation
and Forest Degradation.

The ‘+‘ signifies ‘conservation & sustainable development’.

REDD+ projects pursue long-term strategies for addressing the underlying causes of deforestation and degradation. Such long-term programs include providing fuel efficient cook-stoves, development of bio-efficient farming systems and other strategies for the sustainable management of existing forest stocks.

  • Rimba Raya was the first carbon project to receive REDD+ validation under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS).  It is the single largest REDD+ project in the world, in terms of avoided emissions delivered to date.
  • Rimba Raya helped develop the first carbon accounting methodology, now used by the United Nations as the global standard.

Funds from REDD+ Revenues are being used to fund employment opportunities and micro-finance programs that diversify (historically) unsustainable income streams.

Corporate Interest in tailored mitigation solutions or REDD+ credits should direct their inquiries to InfiniteEARTH, the developer and sponsor of the Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve.